Technical X

IT support management by Technical Services offers support that goes beyond the standard to ensure users make the most of their daily use of the platform.


97% First Time Response

X requests answered with a 97% first time right response ensure users are supported day to day and know they can expect an efficient response from X° with minimum downtime between initial query and resolution.

“We have been delighted with the responsiveness of the Safefood Technical Services Team, who have always replied to the variety of queries and trouble-shooting queries we’ve thrown at them, in a timely manner. We have worked collaboratively with them to develop some Custom Graphs, from which we are now benefitting, and which facilitate a more efficient and bespoke tool for the presentation of our business-specific core quality data. This is testament to the professionalism and competency of the Safefood Team who clearly understand their customer needs.”

Chris Gray
Quality Manager, Harrogate Spring Water

harrogate spring water logo


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System Configuration

Where the platform requires configuration, Technical Services advise and execute the optimum configuration of the system for your needs.

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Language Packs

X° includes standard language packs for individual users. If additional language packs are required or if terminology needs to be tailored to the local business needs, Technical Services will implement these in the system.


Email & In-App X

X is available through multiple platforms including phone, email, and in-app tools.


Service Level Agreement

Standard and custom service level agreements ensure clear visibility and service standards for both software and services.

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ETL & Change Request

The support team specializes in integrating your system reports with other software and document formats for optimum upload and minimum downtime between systems.

enterprise reports

Enterprise Reports

Bespoke reports customized to your unique needs deliver the answers you require in the time you need it and range from regular, monthly or ad hoc reports to system and custom dashboards reports.

Want to know more about project support and set up?